Meeting on the future of the European Eastern Partnership (EaP) – “Eastern Partnership today and what next for its future?” (22.10.19, Kyiv)

On 22 October 2019 in Kyiv, the NEO-Ukraine representatives joined the Eastern Partnership structured consultation dedicated event summarizing the 10-year outcomes of the Eastern Partnership activities with the participation of Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan.

About 60 participants of the event – representatives of the European Commission, the EU Delegation to Ukraine, the Government of Ukraine, central executive bodies, NGOs, youth, business associations, universities, international projects – discussed the achievements and current challenges for the Eastern Partnership, as well as perspectives on the future format of cooperation of the Partnership countries. The NEO-Ukraine representatives presented information on the NEO in Ukraine activities within the framework of the Eastern Partnership in the spheres of higher education, development and implementation of reform-oriented education policies in line with European standards, as well as enhancing youth participation in youth policy-making ing in cooperation with government authorities.

Попередня Training session on Erasmus+: Jean Monnet opportunities (17.10.19, Kyiv-Odesa)